40kRPG Dice Roller
Row: The red “X” button deletes the row. To the right is the row number
Name: Your label for the row. Does not affect the rolls at all.
Skill: Attacker’s weapon or ballistic skill
Range: Attack range in meters. Point Blank is ≤2m, Close is ½ range or less, Standard is ½ to 2x, Long is 2x-3x, Extreme is 3x-4x.
Mode: Firing mode. Single uses one shot while Burst and Auto use the RoF field.
Modifier: Relevant modifiers to the attack. Clamped within ±60
Damage: Damage dice roll. Use typical roll notation for this--e.g. 2d10+1d6-2
Special: Any special qualities for the damage roll. These are applied to all dice in the roll.
AP: Armor penetration. Currently does nothing but may be useful for you to keep track.
RoF: Rate of fire. If the attack is a hit and the Mode is Burst or Full then this value will be used.
Roll: d100 roll to determine result. You can also change this manually if you want to fudge numbers. Clamped within 0-100.
Target: The necessary roll to pass the check.
Hit?: Whether the attack hit. The attached button indicates how many special qualities applied to the roll and clicking on it will list them. Some special qualities can apply more than once to a roll.
Location: Where on the victim the attack struck.
Degrees: Degrees of success.
Wounds: Wounds rolled with special qualities applied.
Well hey there! This is my autoroller for the Fantasy Flight 40k RPG—the immensely popular game played by almost 20 people worldwide!
With the 1.00 update I got around to making it pretty and fixed a few bugs with handling special qualities and importing files. I might add some extra stuff in the future but for now I’m happy with it.
Version Notes:
v1.03: Replaced close range toggle with dropdown
v1.02: Minor. Fixed Close? not cascading when adding a new row.
v1.01: Hotfix. Fixed import/export and solved a bug where manually entering the Roll value would not resolve the attack correctly. Added ability to clear first-and-only row when non-default values are shown.
v1.00: Responsive update. Supports displays as narrow as 350px and up to any width. Also fixed some bugs in how Special Qualities are handled. Added extra output field to display Special Qualities that applied to the shown attack.
v0.95: Final development build. Temporarily available here if you want to compare the changes